Liget Műhely Alapítvány (Grove Workshop Foundation) of Budapest, Hungary has been among the first non-profit organisations in Hungary after the change of regime. It has worked as a public benefit organization for over two decades. Providing an ideal haven for writers, poets, scientists and thinkers the foundation’s main aim is to promote culture and ecological thinking by publishing an e-journal and a children’s magazine, books and free e-books, organizing lecture series and teacher trainings, operating a webpage and managing various creative tenders for adults and children. From 2015 the foundation operates as an accredited Talent Point, a member of the National Talent Network.

Both the on-line journal Liget (Grove) and the children’s magazine Szitakötő (Dragonfly) are deeply committed to environmental issues. Liget was the first Hungarian journal that published articles, essays and longer studies on ecological thinking both by Hungarian authors and many translations of the most important ecological texts. Several books of Hungarian thinkers were published by the Foundation on various aspects of ecology. Two ecological readers for secondary school students were also published containing short texts with explanations and questions on the most pressing issues of ecological problems.
Based on the children’s magazine, the Foundation operates a nation-wide educational programme. Besides Hungarian schools, educational institutions in Romania, Serbia and Slovakia also take part in this educational network that applies a unique method of environmental and art education. Each year approximately 5-600 auxiliary materials are posted by participating teachers on the Foundation’s website that deal with the poems, tales and articles published in the magazine. The Foundation organizes approximately 40 teacher trainings and 30 interactive workshops for children every year and a 5-day-long creative writing camp for children. It works in several kindergartens using art and movement-based pedagogy, training kindergarten teachers in inclusive educational methodology and organizing interactive workshops for parents and kindergarten teachers.
The Foundation participates in international educational projects that promote parental engagement, art and environmental education, trauma-conscious education and equity. Working with schools that teach physically and/or mentally disabled children and minorities is also an important mission of the Foundation.
The ‘Future memory’ project has been active since 2018, working with disadvantaged children in two Hungarian and a Serbian school. |
Co-MAP is a EU-funded international project that promotes the collaborative, community mapping of young people’s learning experiences during COVID-19 |