Dragonfly, an educational programme for elementary school children started in 2008 and it has co-operated with over 300 schools in Hungary, and Hungarian-speaking institutions in Romania, Ukraine, Slovakia, Slovenia and Serbia reaching several thousands of teachers and students each year. The main goal is to provide schools with a visually attractive literary and ecological children’s magazine for free and instructing the teachers about how to use it in their everyday work. The programme’s website provides over 6800 different auxiliary materials, children and teachers have the opportunity to take part in various creative competitions and tenders.
Dragonfly magazine is unique not only because it is exquisitely designed and contains well-written, funny and interesting poems, tales and articles that accommodate the special needs of elementary school children, but due to its complexity in content and purpose. It is outstanding, because it combines the advantages of a colourful magazine with the educational materials of a schoolbook. There are no similar children’s magazines in Hungary.
We have built up a network of volunteers of several hundred teachers, professionals and NGOs all over Hungary and in the neighbouring countries. One of the most important goals of our program has always been the fight for social equality by education, and we have had several programmes (funded by e. g. OSF, EEA and Norway Grants, Horizon 2020 Research) that targeted specific groups of disadvantaged people (disadvantaged teenagers, the homeless, the migrants, handicapped children).
The magazine is the basis of over 70 online and offline teacher trainings and workshops for children every year.